Doro, I guess I was able to come up with 25. It was harder than I thought. I am not used to answering questions about myself and most people who know me should know this crap already.
1: I moved to Texas when I was 18 and lived almost completely self sufficiently for around 3 years. Off the grid, cooking on wood stove, made candles, built my shelter, ground the wheat for the bread, etc...
2: My dad ate dinner with J.R.R Tolkien at his home in England back in the 70's.
3: I was only grounded once in my life. It was for saying I didn't believe in UFO's.
4: My biggest pet peeves is when people do not return emails, texts, and things of the like. Even if it's just to say "thank you" or "cool". Its the technical equivalent of just walking away from someone in the middle of a conversation without saying goodbye as far as I am concerned (not to mention flat out rude).
It's the quickest way to my shit list.
5: I was a Montessori guide in art for a year.
6: My Great Grandpa owned a very popular ice cream hang out joint on the east side of the Sellwood Bridge here in Portland in the 30's. It was called Shorty's.
7: I hung out with Joan Jett. Just me, my bff, her and her bff.
8: I openly credit my ex-boyfriend Gary with most everything good you see in me today.
9: I (admittedly) have a bizarre overly strong affliction to mayo.
Room mate Rule: All mayo (preferable none) needs to be in a non see through bag in the fridge not to be released in or around my presence. Pretty Please.
10: The band I hate the most EVER is Red Hot Chili Peppers. I get a lot of shit for that but, I have come to terms with it. I am aware however, that Flea is a very good base player. REM is a close runner up.
11: Though I may not seem it, I actually do want kids. I waited this long so I can do it right. I care more about that than marriage.
12: I am a hopeless romantic. I sold my gun to buy a boy flowers once.
13: The first concert I ever went to was Nitzer Eb when I was around 14 or 15.
14: I am extremely afraid of heights.
15: I am not offended by anything. I have found no limit to this. You can ask me anything and I will tell you the answer without batting an eyelash. You can piss me off, you can loosed my respect but, you cannot offend me.
16: I have 127 pairs of shoes.
17: I was an only child until I was 18.
18: I have only spoken into a microphone once (if I DID decide to karaoke ever I would do Jolene).
19: My most favorite food is Indian. My least favorite is real Mexican because I don't like chili powder.
20: I have 13 tattoos. Only one of which is not symmetrical.
21: I am allergic to tomatoes.
23: I own every episode of Little House on the Prairie minus 7 episodes. I don't have the DVD's like a cheater. I recorded each an everyone of them on vhs over the period of years.
24: I sing about what I am doing a lot.
25: I know its important and it should be important but, politics really bore the shit out of me.
(I even had some alternates..)
My favorite food is ice cream.
I am very good at reading people. Just because I might be nice to you doesn't mean that I am not aware of your bullshit. I might just find it endearing that you think you so cleaver and tricky.
I do not have a favorite color.
If you touch my back, you will shut me down. It's like rubbing a gator belly.
Ever since I was one year old, I freak out if anyone sings me happy birthday.
I hate brownies.
The first song I ever remember hearing is The Question by Moody Blues however; Tangerine by Zeppelin has been my favorite song since I was 2, and Immigrant Song means the most to me because my dad sang it to me when I was a baby like a lullaby.