Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Toy Camera

I finally saved up enough change to purchase myself a Holga 120CFN for my adventure to Japan here in just a couple weeks. I sent my $19.99 to China and they sent me this.
Holga's are the biggest pieces of crap ever. It is considered a "toy camera". It has two settings ONLY (cloudy/not so cloudy), self winding, and you can see through it in various parts.
It is fantastic and beloved by many.Since they cost nothing, you can go crazy with it. People decorate them to high heaven.
I'm almost embarrassed to show you what I did to mine.
Furthermore, their ad delights me.
It was important to take her for a trial run. Get to know the quirks of my particular new toy so I know what i'm working with on the adventure. I fucked up the first roll of film. Got some pretty good shots with the others but, I think I can honestly say that I don't think I have ever said, "Come with me to go pick up my photos. I can't wait to see how crappy they are."
Well, Damn it if they aren't gorgeously clear....Don't that just beat all.


Anonymous said...

Those are freakin' awesome! You cannot sneak out of sharing how you decorated the camera though. -_-

Average Squirrel said...

sorry, im not holding out to be a tease. I am just super busy. I will post it tonight...ok, ill TRY to post it tonight.