Friday, January 30, 2009

Turning Point

Hopefully in your mind you will see me forever giving you the middle finger.
This blog will now be changing.


doro said...

I hope you are not talking to me. :(

Average Squirrel said...

No... You get TWO middle fingers.
One for now, one for a little later when you need a snack.

No, people just piss me off when they are rude and think they are cool when they grace me with their cold shoulder.
I am going to make my blog private as soon as I can figure it out.

doro said...


I know that is one of your biggest pet peeves. It will be good to make it private to keep those people out of your bee's wax.

Average Squirrel said...

I am going to leave it as is I guess but, Instead if they piss me off I will just call them out straight off.
I like my blog but, I still might change it to "Good Morning Rob & Doro" since your really the only one that stalks me proper like good lovers.