Monday, July 20, 2009

Me O'Clock

6 hour countdown until journey time. I am in dire need but, I can't sleep. I average about 3 hours a night these days yet, I do manage to stay in relatively upbeat mood. Self high five for that. I get a great deal of enjoyment watching the sunrise. I also like keeping a log on when the rest of the world first shows signs of activity each morning. Observing how it fluctuates. Tonight, I don't feel so great though. I am tired, sad, lonely, and pants-less. Walking around just now, I got to thinking about my relationship with time.
I never feel as if I belong in the time I am in.
I don't understand what other people do with their time.
I don't look any older for the longest time now. My hair doesn't even get longer.
Time heals nothing for me like everyone else. It dulls nothing- not hurt, not anger, and (most tragically perhaps) not love.
I'm never doing normal things, in the normal time, when normal people would. I jog at 1:00 am, watch movies at 6:00 am, and have salad for breakfast.
I think time has past by minutes when really it has been many hours.
I never really forget anything (even the tiny trivial details) no matter how much time goes by.

Not having gray hair and wrinkles is pretty rad but, the rest makes me feel a bit isolated. Most times I do not pay much attention to things of such since by nature I am a loner introvert (however; to the few I have fancied I am a shockingly dedicated warm snuggler with a tendency to spoil just for the sheer delight of making them smile) but, tonight I started questioning why time and I interact so peculiarly.
I am starting to feel like maybe time has forgot me too.
I don't want to be forgotten so, I wish to work on that.

I have my cameras left to pack up and I heard some cars going to work now so, I need to go log that.

My day is going to be pretty fun today and I hope your day goes awesome as well.


dr.pipe said...

You should develop an alternate personality and start a nationwide cult without knowing it...

Average Squirrel said...

What do you think I am already doing?