2: Whatever money I win tomorrow gambling will go into my most respectful Japan Account.
3: I am most certainly spoiled. I am spoiled but, I am not a brat.
4: It is muy importante for me to start the final space swimsuit for the impending holiday.
5: I don't know anything about seals.
6: I guess #3 is not true. I have been known to occasionally and publicly stomp my foot in a princess like manner. My grandma used to tell me that I was filled with piss and vinegar. I agreed and told her, "I am either the nicest mean girl or the meanest nice girl but, none of us are ever sure which."
That's it. I was just clearing my head after I figured out FINALLY the monolithic-esque video system so that I can doze off to the ol' classic Kingu Kongu tai Gojira. You know that shit is rad.

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