I was stalked for a good chunk of hours today by an ultra crazy super homosexual tweaker. No joke, It went on for hours. He said I am "smart, special, and dream big like him therefore trustworthy of his secret information". Geez, Aren't I the lucky one.
The top shelf crazy person rambling classics were including but not limited to:
Janet Jackson stole his ideas.
The Law of Relativity.
His help in discovering "matter as we see it".
The obscene gluttony of Hollywood.
He is leaving in 1 hour and also tomorrow for a nuclear symposium in San Fransisco.
How I should make clothing for Angelina Jolie.
How he has scientifically proven "Miracles".
The cherry on top of this gateau is that after he left, he returned about and hour or so later. He proceeded to fill out 8 postcards all made out to me with a little salutation and his signature. They all say "Hollywood Dress" on them for some reason. Then unbelievably he gave me his normal mail (all with stamps and his return address mind you) and asked me to go ahead and just
"mail these off for him". I said, "Dude, I don't even have a mail receptacle here". He said, "Well, you know... Whenever you get around to it".
You know I took that fucking mail.
You know I took that mail because I want to open that mail.
I will open that crazy-ass mail because I want to see what crazy dudes say to their crazy friends in their Christmas cards.
In a way, it's even better than finding crazy shit.
Maybe from here on out they should just bring it directly to me.
He gets a special nice relaxing "lets bring it down a notch or two" while we wait for our meds to kick in crazy person dedication song.
He gets Deep Day Blue, I think.
It's over there on the left in my Tumb/Twit thing.