Monday, December 21, 2009

Squirrels on Film

Today's theme was film. I developed it, researched it, I scanned it in, I accessorized with it, and now I am going to watch it (In a sense).
First off, Doro got me a rad bag for the baby Jesus's birthday and it is made out of old Bollywood film strips. I love it madly. I projected it so that I could check out a frame or two.
Still Image
Film Bag

How rad is that?
Now that the important things have been touched on, I got about three hours of sleep last night and I need to go do what I normally do when I am all tuckered out for the day...


doro said...

I'm glad that you liked it! I thought it was rad the second I laid eyes on it.

Average Squirrel said...

Funny, that's the same thing I thought about you.
