Monday, August 3, 2009

Oh, alright...

I will also admit that I used the term, "vintage space suit emergency" twice today. Though I understand that this DOES NOT constitute a real emergency, sometimes shit feels that way when your knee deep into a project.
You know that shit is true. I am not the only one. Don't pretend your a Zen master with everything.
I also admit to getting into a small-ish amount of trouble at the casino for "cheating". I call counting cards "normal" and/or "smart" and consider it part of the game. If you do not wish for me to count something, please do not put fucking numbers on it. Long story short: Grandma comes from Kentucky to celebrate her 77th birthday, I count cards, they ask me to not play Blackjack again, I become a total bitch until they give my Granny a clock. The end.

I feel better now that my retardation's are all out there and can focus on Tekkon Kinkreet.
You get the gift of three binging and purging posts in a row.

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