Friday, August 7, 2009

There's no love in your violence

Tonight for you, I will reenact an awesomely bad scene from Ichi The Killer:

#1: "Whoa hey, would you look at that... Now were both here in this alley, I hate you, and I am feeling a little bit raw.

#2: "I'm a total fucking dick and hate you for no obvious reason."

#1: "You hurt me and for that I will punch through your face."

#2: "I double dog dare you. I don't give a fuck. I am used to hate."

#2: "ouch, I can't believe you just punch through my face."

#1" "I can't believe you bit off most of my hand."

End scene.

Those are not the actual words since the movie is translated from Japanese but, That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
It's also an appropriate metaphor for my day.

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