Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sweet sweet, the memories you gave to me...

When I was a kid, my Grandma used to make us ice cream cones in cake cones that had popular children's names on them. I think they may have been made by Joy brand in the 70's/early 80's but, I can't locate any information on them.
Sweet Jesus how I wanted to find one with my name on it. You know I did.
I don't even like stupid cake cones but, I ate them anyway because after finding out they have names on them, kids got to have THEIR name obviously.
Samantha or Dean are going to taste like shit.
Finally one summer day, there it was. My Name. They made it just for me.
I was special.
That was the best Jessica ice cream cone EVER.
It tasted like victory.
Sugar Cones

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