Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Open up your chest for me and i will build a house

Tuesday's musical crush out as been brought to you by Man Man.

I may have been the last person on Earth to fall in love with them but, maybe they just saved the best for last...

They have many videos and these are my favorites. Plus, one cannot really go wrong with a song called 10lb. Moustache.


Nosmot said...

Awesome ty. Now something you may enjoy?


Average Squirrel said...

When I was a little kid. My cousin and I would go to the park across the street from my Grandma's on Holgate. We would pick buttercups so that we could hold them up under our chins. When you do that, it casts this warm buttercuppy glow on your skin near the flower. We probably looked pretty silly but, somehow this slight illumination of our faces made us feel so special and wonderful.

Japan is like that.