Thursday, August 23, 2007

Enter Cool Title Here

I got all settled to write up the first blog and its a lot harder than I thought.
I think Ill start with normal what I'm doing, what today was like..
Then maybe throw in some stories...later add cooler things. Spice it up a bit. Ill ween my fingers into it.

Today was like a negative fiesta that I begrudgingly wadded through. After work I came home and took the tattoo fabric that I am using to create a baby blanket for my friends offspring up to the fabric store. On my way there I saw the elusive Garfield suction cup stuff animal in a window of a neighboring car. Scored a photo of that. I hate those so much. Thinking about it fills me with rage. In a battle between the Garfield shit and the Calvin praying to the cross....fuck me, I don't know.

The ladies at the fabric shop were bitchy and slow as usual. Constant as the sunrise.

Doro and I went to the CD Game Exchange to feed some habits. I looked for Katamari. Ended up with Amityville Horror (old), Dolls (oh yes, its very very bad), Casablana (odd that I have not seen it but, I hear the ladies love it), and a sci-fi box set of stuff (dreamy sigh).

I finished Harry Potter. Felt damn good to finish a book. I'm without question pro-reading but, its been a long time that I finished a book that quickly. Lets give a shout out to the meds.

Anyway, I swear I almost shed a tear. I don't have physical reactions to books. I read them, I love them, I am moved emotionally and sometimes spiritually even but, rarely do they scare me, make me laugh out loud or cry. Even the few that did bring that out, the freakage was more to due me reflecting it into my life and not prompted by the actual story. That sounds more intense that it is...For example, the only book that comes to mind that made me cry was a book about Nostradamus. He doesn't make me cry. His life doesn't either. It was the rabbit hole of apocalyptic unpreparedness that it unleashed. I started crying.I laid in bed for a week. If you love me don't ever let me watch apocalyps week on the history channel. I remember saying to someone, "I don't even have bullets or soup...I'm fucked".
In retrospect, that's a pretty good life motto.

Things to look forward to this coming week are working on some projects tomorrow evening, going on an expedition in the car with my favorite, making lanterns to float down the river to celebrate the Japanese holiday Ubon, crazy IKEA snack foods, going on an archaeological dig for the Atari 2600 woody console in my dad's attic (its a helmet occasion), and getting ready to roll to SF for a gathering of the minds.

Alas, it is time for me to go read some tutorials JT sent me (so I too can mesmerize with the interactive blogging), finish my delicious juice, and watch War of the Robots.

Tomorrow we shall try for something cooler to report, shall we?

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