Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Blank Stare

Todays episode is brought to you by the number
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I have nothing positive to report. Ok, thats not true. Lots of things are going super rad. I got a little job as a french tutor, been hired to do costuming for a play, went to San Fransico to visit some friends, and had some enlightening conversations with my friend Cortney. Even with those good things (and maybe they were in part a catalist), I feel a combination of wanting to round house kick people in the face AND/OR curling up in a ball and crying until the year 2033. The two extremes have balance out to some unfamiliar apathy for me. I too am starting not to care so much.

I spent all last night staring out the window blankly. That about sums it all up.

Ill post more about my fun times in SF when im feeling a bit more....a bit more....
a bit more something.


Average Squirrel said...
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dude said...

A lot of cool shit happens in 2033, keep yer head up!

Average Squirrel said...

Aye, life is more primo and my brain more active today.

In retrospect, I had little to no recreational supplies that day.

Me having green time is really less a habit and more a public service.